Debuts of any kind mean a lot to an artist. They always establish what to expect in the future or help gauge your future interest in the artist on their next release. Any artist wants to release a strong debut and strength is exactly what is found on Leslie Mosier’s new EP Single Moment.
The songs found on the EP have strong pop sensibilities and vocally Mosier can hold up to and often perform better than the vast majority of female singers found in the pop/rock community.
The EP also has a strong cast of backing musicians and guests. Dave Melillo from Cute Is What We Aim For fame lends vocals to the track “Butterfly” and helps craft a great duet over crisp acoustic guitars as the two trade lines throughout the song. This track is also strong lyrically and holds one of my favorite lines of the entire EP: “they cut you from the fabric to elegant for me and I could try to capture you but butterflies are meant to be free.” The heart on your sleeve mentality of this song would make Dashboard Confessional jealous. Mosier seems to have landed the jackpot as other members of Nocturnal Me show up to add the backdrop. The title track fits the album perfectly and shows off why Mosier titled the EP Single Moment. Lyrically Mosier comes strong on this track and vocally you couldn’t ask more of a performer.
The title of the album is Single Moment and after listening to it you can kind of understand why. These songs have a fleeting sense of no return. There is a nice mix of acoustic and electric guitars throughout the album. I like the pace of the EP. The listener feels like trying to hold onto those moments that seem to be flying by so fast. As the weather warms you this EP is no doubt a welcomed friend. It invokes sunshine drenched feelings and the want to pop it in your car’s CD player (or iPOD dock) and just drive.
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